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“She stole my semen” – Man accuses his ex of fathering child without his knowledge (PICTURED)

Layne Hardin, above, accuses his ex-girlfriend, Toby Devall of taking his sperm without his permission.

A man claims a woman took his sperm without asking.

Layne Hardin of Louisiana has filed a lawsuit in Harris County, Tex. against a sperm donation clinic and his ex-girlfriend, Toby Devall, claiming that Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates’ sperm bank failed to provide proper safeguards to keep Devall from stealing Hardin’s baby-making material.

ABC News reports that Hardin and another now ex-girlfriend, Katherine LeBlanc, originally signed a contract in 2002 with Texas Andrology Services sperm bank that said only LeBlanc could have access to Hardin’s freeze-dried specimen, according to the lawsuit.

Hardin then went on to date Devall. After the couple broke up in in 2011, Devall got the sperm bank to hand over Hardin’s sperm “no questions asked,” according to Hardin’s lawyer.

Devall now has a 2-year-old son who Hardin has never met, but genetic tests show is his child, Devall’s lawyer told KHOU.

Hardin could now be on the hook for child support, but that’s not the worst part, he told KHOU.

“It don’t stop when he’s 18,” Hardin said. “This is forever. This ripple effect affected me and my family. When he gets old enough and realizes how he was brought into this world, then his ripple effect starts.”

The sperm donation clinic declined to comment to both ABC and KHOU.

The BBC reports that a similar case popped up in 2011 when Joe Pressil of Texas filed a lawsuit against his ex, claiming she took his sperm without asking.

- Huffington Post

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