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Teacher arrested for allegedly having lesbian s3x with 12-year-old student (PICTURED)

An Arizona physical education teacher was arrested Wednesday after a former student accused her of inappropriate sexual conduct dating back eight years.

Nicole Wooten, 36, is charged with three counts of sexual conduct with a minor. Tempe police spokesman Sgt. Mike Pooley told independent Phoenix news station KTVK that the victim, a female, “decided to come forward” and speak to detectives.

The incidents allegedly occurred in 2005 and 2006, when the victim was about 12 years old and in eighth grade, per the Arizona Republic.

According to, there is no statute of limitations in Arizona for sexual conduct with a minor under age 15, molestation of a child or continuous sexual abuse of a child, which is defined as “three or more incidents of abuse.”

ABC Phoenix reported that the alleged incidents included inappropriate touching and occurred at Wooten’s residence in Mesa, Ariz. A school spokeswoman said that no incidents happened at the school itself.

Police said Wooten admitted to the allegations in an interview following her arrest. Authorities said the accused woman was placed on unpaid leave Thursday.

Wooten began working at the Herrera School for the Fine Arts and Dual Language, a Phoenix elementary school, in 2000.

- Huffington Post

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