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Couple allegedly strangled two men, then had s3x on top of their corpses (PICTURED)

Two young adults suspected of strangling two men had sex on top of the corpses, according to police reports obtained by Patch.

The gruesome revelation is the latest development in a case that’s sent shivers up and down the spines of residents of Joliet, Ill., since the strangled bodies of two men were found last month in the home of one suspect.

Police in suburban Chicago arrested four suspects – Joshua Miner, Alisa Massaro, Adam Landerman and Bethany McKee — claiming they partied and played video games after killing Eric Glover and Terrence Rankins. Cops alleged the quartet planned to dismember the dead 22-year-olds.

Miner, 24, asked his girlfriend Massaro, 18, to have sex on top of the dead men who were left with bags tied around their heads, according to police.

Miner lined the bodies side by side and covered them with something colored beige, according to statements attributed to McKee.

After Miner’s arrest, an ex-girlfriend accused him of other sinister acts. Ivon Walshsaid that Miner once confined her to a room in her mother’s home and on another occasion brander her buttocks with a swastika and upside-down cross.

- Huffington Post

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