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Why Do Most Nollywood Actors Become Pastors After They Stop Acting? - Photos

It is a mixed bag and quite interesting with how things happen. In a field that creates instant recognition after just one movie, more and more people are eager for an opportunity to become actors for the financial gains, celebrity recognition, and a chance to build a brand that can be sustainable even after they eventually stop acting and move into other fields.
Interestingly, when most of them stop acting, the next thing they engage in is to become a pastor or evangelist for a church. We all know Liz Benson of yesteryears who later married a pastor and become one herself, then Eucharia Anunobi who was renowned for her fierce acting and is now an evangelist at her community church, then just recently the news of Zack Orji who is also working his way to become a full time pastor, and now Omar Sheriff is following on their heels.
In commenting about his desire to enter the ministry, Omar had this to say:
“It is not everything I can say but I thank God for making me see the light. I have so far preached at a few churches and the responses have been fantastic. I am mostly doing some wonderful work of God and I believe God will take me far. I will not allow anything to come between God and I because I have gone through a lot. I thank God for bringing me this far and I advise anyone who hasn’t given him or herself to God to do so now because God is a sweet father.”
So what do you think is the motivating factor for most actors becoming pastors after they stop acting?

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