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I Tried To Rape My Mum Before Killing Her - 14-Year-Old Boy Who Murdered His Mother

The trial of a teenager accused of attempting to rape his mother and then shooting her dead began Wednesday with prosecutors playing a chilling 911 call.

Noah Crooks, now 14, can be heard on the March 24 call telling a dispatcher with the Mitchell County Sheriff's Department that he shot his mother, 37-year-old Gretchen Crooks, almost 20 times with a .22-caliber hunting rifle and he doesn't know why he did it, the Globe Gazette reports.

"I feel crazy and I know I'm not," he says on the 10-minute recording. He later states, "I tried to rape her. I tried to rape her but I couldn't do it … I tried to rape my own mom. Who tries to rape their own mom? My life is down the drain now."

The woman's body was found shortly afterward at the family's Osage home shortly after the phone call. Police say her body had multiple bullet wounds and she was naked from the waist down.

The teen, who was 13 years old at the time of the call, also tells the dispatcher, "I just wish it was a dream so I could wake up and kiss her and hug her."

Crooks' attorney, William Kutmus, does not dispute that Crooks killed his mother, but says that Crooks was insane at the time of the incident, according to KAAL-TV. Kutmus plans to bring in a witness who will testify that Crooks has Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a behavioral disorder characterized by impulsive violent outbursts.

Kutmus told the court that hours before the shooting, Gretchen Crooks had taken away her son's video game controller because of his bad grades in school.

Noah Crooks' father, William Crooks, was not home at the time of the shooting, according to the WCF Courier.

"It's a damn tragedy, you know. These are good people," Mitchell County Sheriff Curt Younker told The Huffington Post in March.

Noah Crooks is charged with murder and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse.

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