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My Husband Keeps Taking Money From My Purse,Please What Can I do ?

Hello every body

Pls I need your advice!

How do I handle a situation where my husband keeps taking money from my purse without my knowledge. We live alone together so no one else could be responsible. Before now, I didn`t bother counting the money I leave in my handbag but when I realized that it's as if am spending more than expected,I started counting what I leave in my bag. On a number of occasion though, my hubby agreed that he did take some money but not until I asked.I have requested politely a couple of times that he should let me know whenever he takes anything,once I complained with annoyance but most times I keep quiet as if I didn't know.

From what I understand, the wives are most times guilty of this act, but is it something husbands do as well. Now, what do you think I can do without really hurting his feelings knowing that he's not too buoyant financially.