When she was about to launch the online version of the promo singles, 'Hi and 'Itz Ova', she boasted that "many have tried in the past and failed but in this my effort it's gonna be wow!"
Do you think Tontolet has what it takes to excel in the music industry? Kindly leave your comment.
Most of the people who have listened to the two singles said it's nothing to write home about. Well, we thinks Tonto has just tried her talent in another terrain.
Bellow is what Seyilaw Broadcast about her song:
Teacher: Who is the world's best and worst musician?
Akpos: Tonto Dikeh and Tonto Dikeh.
Teacher:How is she the best?
Akpos: Everybody wants to download her song.
Teacher: How then is she the worst?
Akpos: Nobody has said anything nice about it maybe TB Joshua will do.
Just laugh it off.