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15-year-old student Commits Suicide After Sleeping With Four Football Players

Felicia Garcia, a 15-year-old student at Tottenville High School who killed herself by jumping in the path of a train was bullied to death by classmates after she had sex with four football players, police sources revealed.

The tormented Staten Island teenager was driven to her death after two 17-year-old classmates blabbed about the encounters.

Garcia’s life began spinning out of control Saturday when she went to a post-football game party and agreed to have sex with some of the players, police sources said.

On Monday, she told a girlfriend about the encounters and told her they were consensual.

“Kids are saying she had sex with some guys from the football team at a party after the game. Later on they wouldn’t leave her alone about it. They just kept bullying her and bullying her,” said one of Garcia’s friends.

After the weekend, Garcia tweeted on Monday:

“I cant, i am done, I give up.